You can use jotai-effect to execute side effects and sync atoms when Jotai atom values change.
yarn add jotai-effect
is a utility function for declaring side effects and synchronizing atoms in Jotai. It is useful for observing and reacting to state changes.
type CleanupFn = () => voidtype EffectFn = (get: Getter,set: Setter) => CleanupFn | void | Promise<CleanupFn | void>function atomEffect(effectFn: EffectFn): Atom<void>
effectFn (required): A function or async function for listening to state updates with get
and writing state updates with set
. The effectFn
is useful for creating side effects that interact with other Jotai atoms. You can cleanup these side effects by returning a cleanup function.
Subscribe to Atom Changes
import { atomEffect } from 'jotai-effect'const loggingEffect = atomEffect((get, set) => {// runs on mount or whenever someAtom changesconst value = get(someAtom)loggingService.setValue(value)})
Setup and Teardown Side Effects
import { atomEffect } from 'jotai-effect'const subscriptionEffect = atomEffect((get, set) => {const unsubscribe = subscribe((value) => {set(valueAtom, value)})return unsubscribe})
Mounting with Atoms or Hooks
After defining an effect using atomEffect
, it can be integrated within another atom's read function or passed to Jotai hooks.
const anAtom = atom((get) => {// mounts the atomEffect when anAtom mountsget(loggingEffect)// ... other logic})// mounts the atomEffect when the component mountsfunction MyComponent() {useAtom(subscriptionEffect)...}
The atomEffect
Cleanup Function: The cleanup function is invoked on unmount or before re-evaluation.
<details>Example atomEffect((get, set) => {const intervalId = setInterval(() => set(clockAtom, Date.now()))return () => clearInterval(intervalId)})</details>Resistent To Infinite Loops:
does not rerun when it changes a value that it is watching.<details>Example const countAtom = atom(0)atomEffect((get, set) => {// this will not infinite loopget(countAtom) // after mount, count will be 1set(countAtom, increment)})</details>Executes In The Next Microtask:
runs in the next available microtask, after all Jotai synchronous read evaluations have completed.<details>Example const countAtom = atom(0)const logAtom = atom([])const logCounts = atomEffect((get, set) => {set(logAtom, (curr) => [...curr, get(countAtom)])})const setCountAndReadLog = atom(null, async (get, set) => {get(logAtom) // [0]set(countAtom, increment) // effect runs in next microtaskget(logAtom) // [0]await Promise.resolve().then()get(logAtom) // [0, 1]})store.set(setCountAndReadLog)</details>Batches Synchronous Updates (Atomic Transactions): Multiple synchronous updates to
atom dependencies are batched. The effect is run with the final values as a single atomic transaction.<details>Example const enabledAtom = atom(false)const countAtom = atom(0)const updateLettersAndNumbers = atom(null, (get, set) => {set(enabledAtom, (value) => !value)set(countAtom, (value) => value + 1)})const combos = atom([])const combosEffect = atomEffect((get, set) => {set(combos, (arr) => [...arr, [get(enabledAtom), get(countAtom)]])})store.set(updateLettersAndNumbers)store.get(combos) // [[false, 0], [true, 1]]</details>Conditionally Running atomEffect:
is active only when it is mounted within the application. This prevents unnecessary computations and side effects when they are not needed. You can disable the effect by unmounting it.<details>Example atom((get) => {if (get(isEnabledAtom)) {get(effectAtom)}})</details>Idempotent:
runs once when state changes regardless of how many times it is mounted.<details>Example let i = 0const effectAtom = atomEffect(() => {get(countAtom)i++})const mountTwice = atom(() => {get(effectAtom)get(effectAtom)})store.set(countAtom, increment)Promise.resolve.then(() => {console.log(i) // 1})</details>
Dependency Management
Aside from mount events, the effect runs when any of its dependencies change value.
Sync: All atoms accessed with
during the synchronous evaluation of the effect are added to the atom's internal dependency map.<details>Example const asyncEffect = atomEffect((get, set) => {// updates whenever `anAtom` changes value but not when `anotherAtom` changes valueget(anAtom)setTimeout(() => {get(anotherAtom)}, 5000)})</details>Async: For effects that return a promise, all atoms accessed with
prior to the returned promise resolving are added to the atom's internal dependency map. Atoms that have been watched after the promise has resolved, for instance in asetTimeout
, are not included in the dependency map.<details>Example const asyncEffect = atomEffect(async (get, set) => {await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))// updates whenever `anAtom` changes value but not when `anotherAtom` changes valueget(anAtom)setTimeout(() => {get(anotherAtom)}, 5000)})</details>Cleanup: Accessing atoms with
in the cleanup function does not add them to the atom's internal dependency map.<details>Example const asyncEffect = atomEffect((get, set) => {// runs once on atom mount// does not update when `idAtom` changesconst unsubscribe = subscribe((value) => {const id = get(idAtom)set(valueAtom, { id value })})return () => {unsubscribe(get(idAtom))}})</details>Recalculation of Dependency Map: The dependency map is recalculated on every run. If an atom was not watched during the current run, it will not be in the current run's dependency map. Only actively watched atoms are considered dependencies.
<details>Example const isEnabledAtom = atom(true)const asyncEffect = atomEffect((get, set) => {// if `isEnabledAtom` is true, runs when `isEnabledAtom` or `anAtom` changes value// otherwise runs when `isEnabledAtom` or `anotherAtom` changes valueif (get(isEnabledAtom)) {const aValue = get(anAtom)} else {const anotherValue = get(anotherAtom)}})</details>